Once user enable the integration the flow works as follows:
1. Incoming calls:
a. Call originate:
When the incoming call originates agent will be able to see the popup notification on Zoho products as shown below:
b. Call answered:
When the is answered the popup will change accordingly and the call duration counter starts as shown below:
c. Call hangup:
Once the call is complete the following popup will be shown in Zoho product:
d. Lead/contact creation:
If the phone number is not saved in Zoho product then it’s possible to create a lead/contact when the call is received by an agent.
After selecting lead or a contact once the call ends there will be a popup in which agent has to fill up the details for the customer and save it.
e. Lead/Contact activities:
Once the agent creates lead or contact all the call of the details can be seen under lead details closed activities.
2. Outgoing calls:
a. Agent originate:
When agent use click to call and places an outbound call from Zoho product the following popup will appear on Zoho product:
b. Customer originate:
When the customer call is originated the following popup will appear
c. Bridge complete:
The following popup appears when bridge is complete:
d. Hangup:
After the call is complete the following popup will be shown:
e. Missed:
In case of call missed the following popup will appear: