How does Knowlarity SuperReceptionist Integration with LeadSquared UTC work?

How does Knowlarity SuperReceptionist Integration with LeadSquared UTC work?

Once integrated, for all the calls happening through SR gets logged in LeadSquared.

Popup Notifications -

For every call routed to an agent, the agent will be able to get notification popups as shown below in Leadsquared

The Popup contains necessary information related to the Caller. The agent can take important notes and dispose of calls from the Popup window.

If the caller is a new caller, a new lead gets created and the First Name and phone field gets automatically populated.

A new caller in Leadsquared is identified by a unique phone number by default.

Note: Incoming calls matching a lead’s secondary phone number will be tracked without creating a duplicate lead.

The agent gets a similar popup while initiating an outbound call. An outbound call can be initiated by clicking on the phone icon of the phone field in the lead details section. Refer image below:

Upon Clicking the phone icon, a confirmation window appears like below:

Once the agent clicks “OK”, you get either a success or failure response of the action.

After the outbound call is successfully placed, the agent gets a popup notification of the outgoing call.

Call Details-

After the call ends a call log is created with details of the call. This can be seen under the Activity History section of the Lead. Please refer to the image below:

The call details contains:

Subject of format - 

Call Type” Call Had a phone call with “agent name “. Duration:”call duration” seconds.

Display Number -  10 digit virtual number without ISD code.

Start Time -  Start time of the call in format MM/DD/YY hh:mm AM/PM

Call Duration - Duration of call in seconds

Owner -  Leadsquared Agent name incase of Connected call/ System incase of Missed

Status - Answered/NotAnswered/Missed

Call Origin - Web (only incase of outbound)

Provider - UTC (Name of Connector given while installing)

Raw Call Status - Answered/Missed

In addition to above details, one can also listen to the call recording by clicking on the sound icon on the right to the subject like shown in the above image.